Sunday, 10 April 2011


Cheese is delicious. I like many kinds of cheeses - colby, edam, mild and tasty. Then you've got all the other delicious cheeses - Harvarti, brie, camembert, feta, haloumi, parmesan, gouda, peccorino, goats cheese, sheep cheese and the list goes on. The one cheese I have yet to develop a taste for is any type of blue cheese! Try as I might, I just can't savour the taste of mould, however, my lovely dog Molly (who I never give cheese) today developed a taste for many of the cheeses noted above!

My flatmate was hosting a tuppaware party and had prepared a sumptious feast for the guests, this included lovely cheese platters. In preparation some of the platters were placed on the coffee table in anticipation of the arrivals, one minute there was a fine selection of cheese, 5 minutes later only crackers remained. The culprit was immediately identified given the cheese was sitting at exactly labrador mouth height!! MOLLY!

First reaction - will a dog die from eating cheese? According to Google - No! Phew, death averted, worst case scenario she will get the runs  - thankful to say this hasn't happened. Now I'm just waiting for nightmares and a migraine tomorrow!

Cheese, you gotta love it!

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