Monday, 2 May 2011

Work and Weather

I work - don't we all? Recently my work took a strange turn, you see, there was this quite major earthquake in Christchurch (you may have heard about it) and because of this my "normal" place of work got a big fat red sticker on the door which meant I couldn't go back there.

Now, some of you know that I work for a company who has their head office in Christchurch, and a huge number of our staff work in one building - the building that none of us can now get in to which means space has become a massive issue, so much so that for the last 5 weeks I've been working in a tent. Fine you may say, getting plenty of fresh air, enjoying the sun! Yeah, all good until you take in the autumnal conditions of the last three weeks. Now I don't normally mind the autumn weather, especially enjoyed from my desk on the 5th floor, however viewing autumn from inside = very different to working outside in actual autumn! Does the word COLD mean anything to you?

Anywho, friday was the last day I had to work outside and today I found out where my new office will be, it's inside so a huge step up, however still fairly unconventional but seems like my prayers to stop working outside were answered!

My new office is a church, in Barrington.

Different? Yes.
Warm? Hopefully.
Better than working in a tent? Defo.
Can I hack it until I get a real desk? Suppose.
Lucky to have a job in Christchurch? Hell Yeah.

Welcome to the new normal!


  1. A step in the right direction!

  2. mwahahaha - A church is a great place to find a husband!
