Saturday, 2 April 2011

Doing Stuff

There used to be a great show called Ice TV which aired when I was a scarfie in Dunedin. Petra Bagust, Jon Bridges and Nathan Rarere were the hosts and it took up 3 hours of your Saturday viewing. I loved it so much I used to record it on the VHS machine I hired from DTR. Those of you who are a certain age will recall Video recorders, if you are gen X then you won't have a clue what I'm talking about!!
Anywho, the point of this blog is that there was a great line from Ice Tv that I remember to this day - "Doing stuff, makes you hungry", it's a line I've remembered all these years and today it applied to me, but in a  modified version.

Today, doing stuff such as garage cleaning, cupboard cleaning, laundry, dog walking, aftershock surviving, soup cooking, dinner cooking and washing dishes has made me tired!! 7.51pm - ready for bed! However those of you who know me well know that I have vino in hand and fab tv on screen, but my beautiful new bed is ready to go when I finally make my way there. Definitely worth being tired for!!

Sweet dreams!!

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