Monday, 2 May 2011

Work and Weather

I work - don't we all? Recently my work took a strange turn, you see, there was this quite major earthquake in Christchurch (you may have heard about it) and because of this my "normal" place of work got a big fat red sticker on the door which meant I couldn't go back there.

Now, some of you know that I work for a company who has their head office in Christchurch, and a huge number of our staff work in one building - the building that none of us can now get in to which means space has become a massive issue, so much so that for the last 5 weeks I've been working in a tent. Fine you may say, getting plenty of fresh air, enjoying the sun! Yeah, all good until you take in the autumnal conditions of the last three weeks. Now I don't normally mind the autumn weather, especially enjoyed from my desk on the 5th floor, however viewing autumn from inside = very different to working outside in actual autumn! Does the word COLD mean anything to you?

Anywho, friday was the last day I had to work outside and today I found out where my new office will be, it's inside so a huge step up, however still fairly unconventional but seems like my prayers to stop working outside were answered!

My new office is a church, in Barrington.

Different? Yes.
Warm? Hopefully.
Better than working in a tent? Defo.
Can I hack it until I get a real desk? Suppose.
Lucky to have a job in Christchurch? Hell Yeah.

Welcome to the new normal!

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Cheese is delicious. I like many kinds of cheeses - colby, edam, mild and tasty. Then you've got all the other delicious cheeses - Harvarti, brie, camembert, feta, haloumi, parmesan, gouda, peccorino, goats cheese, sheep cheese and the list goes on. The one cheese I have yet to develop a taste for is any type of blue cheese! Try as I might, I just can't savour the taste of mould, however, my lovely dog Molly (who I never give cheese) today developed a taste for many of the cheeses noted above!

My flatmate was hosting a tuppaware party and had prepared a sumptious feast for the guests, this included lovely cheese platters. In preparation some of the platters were placed on the coffee table in anticipation of the arrivals, one minute there was a fine selection of cheese, 5 minutes later only crackers remained. The culprit was immediately identified given the cheese was sitting at exactly labrador mouth height!! MOLLY!

First reaction - will a dog die from eating cheese? According to Google - No! Phew, death averted, worst case scenario she will get the runs  - thankful to say this hasn't happened. Now I'm just waiting for nightmares and a migraine tomorrow!

Cheese, you gotta love it!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Doing Stuff

There used to be a great show called Ice TV which aired when I was a scarfie in Dunedin. Petra Bagust, Jon Bridges and Nathan Rarere were the hosts and it took up 3 hours of your Saturday viewing. I loved it so much I used to record it on the VHS machine I hired from DTR. Those of you who are a certain age will recall Video recorders, if you are gen X then you won't have a clue what I'm talking about!!
Anywho, the point of this blog is that there was a great line from Ice Tv that I remember to this day - "Doing stuff, makes you hungry", it's a line I've remembered all these years and today it applied to me, but in a  modified version.

Today, doing stuff such as garage cleaning, cupboard cleaning, laundry, dog walking, aftershock surviving, soup cooking, dinner cooking and washing dishes has made me tired!! 7.51pm - ready for bed! However those of you who know me well know that I have vino in hand and fab tv on screen, but my beautiful new bed is ready to go when I finally make my way there. Definitely worth being tired for!!

Sweet dreams!!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Blogging when drinking!

It's important when you create a blog, to create it when you are sober, otherwise you end up with some random name like

This is not the name I would have chosen for my blog if I hadn't been enjoying New Zealands finest Savignon Blanc!!

However, this is the blog I've created, and I will make it work! Oh yes, I will make it work!

Friday, 18 March 2011


So, if you get a dog from puppy, make sure you get their dew claws removed. Dogs don't need them but are born with them. I didn't think it was such a problem until Molly caught hers when chasing the tennis ball. Now she is pretty pissed off with the bandage she wears on her foot. Although, she hates the head cone more!! You know it, you've seen it on the tv or the movies, a plastic cone that means the dog can't eat or drink! Still now I've got a good threat if she eats her bandage!
Only 2 more days and then she is free from the bandage! She is very melodramatic about having a bandaged foot!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

I love social media. It's time to sleep now. x


Good. I finally worked out how blog! Just got to get some followers now!

Quakey quakey

Chch is rockin and rolling - you totally get used to it, and actually being in Japan is worse!! Still, if you live in the garden city then you know how bad things are. My posts are not going to be about the EQ, but it's current.

first blog

I'm super excited to blog, not really sure what it's going to end up being but I like to talk shite and waffle so could be ok!